Teaching Awards
Purdue University College of Engineering's "Outstanding Engineering Teachers" (Fall, 2023)
Courses Taught
Engineering 10117: Engineering Design, University of Notre Dame
A three credit hour class aimed towards first-year engineering students that overviews the engineering design process and introduces them to various aspects of engineering. The course teaches students tools such as spreadsheet and computer-aided design software to iterate and validate design solutions to real-world problems.
Engineering 396H: Numerical Computation in Engineering, Purdue University
A 1 credit hour seminar aimed at helping upper-division engineering students learn about numerical methods and applied computing across the field of engineering. The course covered topics such as numerical integration/differentiation, monte carlo methods, finite difference, and finite element analysis.
Engineering 162: Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design II, Purdue University
A 4 credit hour class that is the second class of a two-part sequence of first-year courses. Course covers topics such as intermediate robotics, mechanics, programming in Python and MATLAB, feedback control, and mathematical modeling.
Engineering 161: Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design, Purdue University
A 4 credit hour introduction to engineering and physics course that covers multiple topics such as design, teaming, programming in Python, mechanics, and basic robotics.
Engineering 103H: Engineering Honors Project and Professional Development, Purdue University
This course was a 1 credit hour seminar, aimed at helping students develop honors projects to get an honors degree. It covered topics such as project scoping, professional communication, and technical writing. As a co-instructor on the course, my duties were mainly to help mentor and guide students through developing and giving feedback on their honors projects.
Engineering 131: Transforming Ideas to Innovation, Purdue University
This course was the first engineering course for first-year students at Purdue University. It covered topics such as design, modeling, data science, among others. As the instructor, I was responsible for lecturing and teaching a class of 120 students as well as handling the day-to-day operations of the course. I held office hours weekly and worked with the broader instructional team on planning of the course each week.
Games with Python Course, Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute
This teaching experience gave me the opportunity to design a course from scratch for the first time. I was responsible for both designing and teaching an online python course for middle-school aged students. This allowed me to have experience creating projects and assignments starting from self-created learning objectives. The broad objectives of the course were programming and computational thinking. The assignments I developed for the class ranged from having the students create a magic eight ball program to programming a create-your-own-adventure game.
ABE 557 Biological and Food Processing Unit Operations, Purdue University
This experience was primarily as a designer of instructional materials for a capstone course in food process engineering. The assignments created as part of this experience were modeling activities that focused on different aspects of food process engineering. I worked with the instructional team (TA's and Instructor) to redesign multiple computational modeling projects. These modeling projects were four-week project sequences that were based on multiple different educational theories (productive failure, modeling-based learning, constructivism).
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